A downloadable game

This project is a mobile augmented reality game  where players build their own castle and aim to destroy the enemy's castle. The player who successfully destroys the opponent's castle wins. The multiplayer was developed by using Photon Engine.

Project Paper Published: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10452716


The main game contains multiple phases:

- In the first phase, the player must build their castle with two blocks in height and four blocks in length on each of the four sides.
- In the second phase, both players have a limited number of cannons to place on their castle walls.
- The third phase involves a timed confrontation where players fire cannons at each other's castles within a time limit.
- In the fourth phase, players must rebuild their castles to close any openings within a set time limit (reducing each time). Phases 3 and 4 repeat until one player is unable to close their castle, resulting in their defeat.

This games contains the following developed features:

- Main Game (Multiplayer - 2 players)
- Creative (Unlimited block placement and shooting practice)
- Tutorial (Step-by-step learning of game phases)
- Shop (Earn coins in the main game to customize your castle layout)



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valknight_cos/ 

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carloscos...

Email: carlos.cost142@gmail.com

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